……..getting the STRETCH out of your dollar

Sunday Coupon Preview – 6/3/12


This week you can expect to receive 3 inserts in the Sunday Paper:      1 Smartsource, 1 RedPlum & 1 P&G

I always love getting the P&G inserts there are awesome deals to pair these coupons with a drugstore sale. To view what coupons will be in each of the inserts go here to view:


Happy Couponing!


  1. I read this on Friday, and looked forward to it all weekend. It’s great to know how many are supposed to come just in case. Mike and I used to buy the paper every Sunday but we decided to have it delivered after not once but twice we went into our local gas station and the inserts had all been taken. The salesman kept shaking his head saying “I cannot believe she did that.” Apparently an elderly woman came in and took them all. I think if you are going to take advantage of TONS of savings, you should at least have to pay for the paper!

    • I had that exact thing happen, I used to get up early on Sunday mornings and go to the newspaper stand outside of my grocery store, I came home one day and someone literally went through each paper in the stand and took all of the ads/coupon inserts. I was livid. Here they keep the newspapers next to the cashiers because people would go through them in the store just for the inserts. I agree with you that given the amount of savings you will get, PAY for the inserts, dont steal. It hurts everyone at some point.

      • How effed does your mind frame have to be, to be like I WILL TAKE IT ALL… SO THAT I AND I ALONE WILL GET $1 OFF A MILLION TIDE DETERGENTS.
        I really think its elderly (ladies) that have been doing it for years but the coupon craze only just started for many of us… we are getting mad about stuff they have been doing since our age or younger.

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